Sort matched entries by title instead of the user name

is it possible to display the list of entries by title instead of the user name.
It will be easier to navigate when managing a large portfolio of accounts.

Many thanks :slight_smile:
Have a good journey


Please can you explain (maybe with a screenshot) exactly which list of entries you want to order by title?


Hi, thank you for your reply.
Here is an overview of the list I see in kee, I would like to be able to order by the title to better find the accounts and make my choice faster :smiley:
Good night!


That is ordered by how close a match the entry is to the login form. For a website like Microsoft’s where they have a single sign-on page for all of their different services, it’s not uncommon for all entries to be an equally good match - that’s probably the case for you.

I’ve bookmarked this topic and in a future version of Kee, I’ll look into making the list ordered by match quality and then by title within each group of matches. If the result is too confusing, I might make it optional and disabled by default.

Thank you for listening, I appreciate your answer and know that you will do the best, according to the possibilities.
Best regards,

I’d very happy with the following sorting options, e.g.

  • no sorting
  • by title
  • by user name
  • by match

Handling a lot of customers using the same login URL it is pretty time-consuming going through the entries. Alternatively being able to filter the entry list or jump to matching entries by typing the first letters could also be a very nice feature.


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I’m working as developper and user support for a website and I use multiple logins (sometimes a lot) for the same website (admin account, customer account,…). It would be nice to being able to filter the entry list or jump to matching entries by typing the first letters. I’m really looking forward to see this as well as a keeboard shortcut to open kee popup instead of having to click on kee icon.


Hello, Luckyrat,

if I recognize it correctly, the request was created in May 2018. Since I am also waiting for this individual sorting, because I have a lot of different URLs with just as much login data (I also work in support), I wanted to ask about the status of the situation. Today is November 21, 2019. Is that implemented in the meantime? If so, with which version? I currently have the Kee Password Manager version 3.2.7 from 28 May 2019 in Firefox. Thank you very much for the reply.


I would love to display and sort peer search results by entry name. Usernames are absolutely meaningless in my structure, it annoys me so much. Is there a chance, that this will be implemented some day?

Kind regards!

I’m closing this thread in preference of the much newer Prioritising and sorting matched entries in Kee 3.5 and higher

Most specifically, item 5 I reference towards the end of the post deals with sort order and I still have no immediate plans to prioritise this work but hope that it will be implemented some day, either by me or someone that actually needs the feature.