I have an URL:
And two matching entries:
Entry #1:
- KeePass URL Field = blank
- Kee > URLs > Domain
- Kee > URLs > Additional URLs: https://..r.stu.vwxyz/?.
- “Preferred matching entry” = false in Kee browser extension
Entry #2:
- KeePass URL Field = https://abc-defgh1ij-klmno-pq01.r.stu.vwxyz/login
- Kee > URLs > Hostname
- Kee > URLs > Additional URLs: blank
- “Preferred matching entry” = true in Kee browser extension
Expected result: Entry #2 is sorted as best entry
Actual result: Entry #1 is sorted as best entry
Question: how can I make sure that Entry #2 is sorted as best entry?
KeePass 2.57 (64-bit)
Kee Browser Extension (Edge) 4.0.6
Edge Version 127.0.2651.98 (Official build) (64-bit)
Windows Server 2019 (Version 1809) [OS Build 17763.6189]