You are not logged in to your password database. Launch KeePass to enable Kee

After crash reboot Kee lost connection to KeePass.
Versions: Kee 2.2.9, KeePass 2.38, KeePassRPC shows "Keefox returned a json object (this is good)"
kprpc-debug.log listed below
What can i do to solve the problem?

Logger initialised.
Client managers started.
RPC service started.
Starting KPRPCServer
Fleck says: Constructed server at ws://localhost:12546. Explicit port: 8181. Implicit port: 12546. Loopback only? True
Fleck says: Starting server at ws://localhost:12546. Loopback only? True
Fleck says: Server started at ws://localhost:12546
Started KPRPCServer
RPC server started.
KPRPC startup succeeded.
Fleck says: Client connected from
Fleck says: 235 bytes read
Fleck says: Error while reading. Exception: Fleck2.WebSocketException: Exception type “Fleck2.WebSocketException”.
в Fleck2.HandlerFactory.BuildHandler(WebSocketHttpRequest request, Action1 onMessage, Action onClose, Action1 onBinary)
в Fleck2.WebSocketConnection.CreateHandler(IEnumerable1 data) в Fleck2.WebSocketConnection.<>c__DisplayClassb.<Read>b__a(Int32 r) в Fleck2.SocketResult.Success[TResult](Action1 callback)
в Fleck2.SocketWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass7.b__6(SocketResult result)
в Fleck2.SocketFactory.<>c__DisplayClass16.b__15(Object )
previous message x10
Fleck says: Client connected from
Fleck says: 547 bytes read
Fleck says: Building Hybi-14 Response
Fleck says: Sent 129 bytes
Fleck says: 399 bytes read
Fleck says: Client connected from
Fleck says: Sent 236 bytes
Fleck says: 0 bytes read. Closing.

Well, problem solved
Refreshing Firefox doesn’t help at all, but clean reinstall of KeePass helps me.
Absolutely clean reinstall, with new config

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