Wrong submit button on meine.deutsche-bank.de

The page https://meine.deutsche-bank.de/trxm/db/ contains one form with two submit buttons, the first is the correct one, the second calls a separate login page of the VERIMI login service. Submitting the form by Kee, the wrong action is taken.
Is there any way to get hit the first button (“Login ausführen”) ?

Thanks and regards,

Below the code lines from the Deutsche Bank page:

    <div class="formContainer">
        <form id="loginForm" method="post" action="/trxm/db/gvo/login/login.do">
            <input type="hidden" name="gvo" value="DisplayFinancialOverview" />
            <input type="hidden" name="process" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="wknOrIsin" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="fingerprintToken" id="fingerprintToken" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="fingerprintTokenVersion" id="fingerprintTokenVersion" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="updateFingerprintToken" id="updateFingerprintToken" value="false"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="javascriptEnabled" value="false" />
            <script type="text/javascript">document.forms.loginForm.javascriptEnabled.value = "true"</script>
            <table cellspacing="0" class="roll layout">


                <tr class="subsequentS">
                    <td colspan="4">
                        <table cellspacing="0" class="layout" id="phishing">
                                <td id="distractor"><strong>WICHTIG</strong></td>
                                <td id="text">Bitte beachten Sie: Die Deutsche Bank fordert pro<br/> Auftrag nie mehrere Transaktionsnummern (<acronym title="Transaktionsnummer">TAN</acronym>)!</td>
                                <td id="action"><input type="submit" name="loginType" value="Login ausf&uuml;hren" class="button nextStep" /></td>
                    <div id="verimiContainer" class="hasAnnotation hasAnnotationWithTrigger hasAnnotationWithActions hasAnnotationWithClosure">
                        <h3>Nutzen Sie VERIMI, um sich im Deutsche Bank OnlineBanking anzumelden.</h3>
                        <p>VERIMI - Ihr bequemer und sicherer Zugang zu immer mehr Online-Angeboten.</p>
                        <p id="verimiLogin"><input type="submit" name="loginType" value="Login mit VERIMI" class="button nextStep" /></p>
                        <p id="verimiRegistration">Noch kein VERIMI-Nutzer?<br/>Jetzt <a href="https://www.deutsche-bank.de/verimi" target="_blank">informieren</a> und kostenlos
                            <span class="annotationContainerPositioning">
                                <a class="annotationTrigger" href="#" >registrieren</a>.
                                <span class="annotationContainer">
                                    <span class="inner">
                                        <span class="annotationHead">
                                            <span class="inner">Zu Ihrer Information</span>
                                        <span class="annotationBody">
                                            <span class="inner">
                                                <span class="annotationP">Sie verlassen die Informationsseiten der Deutsche Bank Gruppe und erreichen die Web-Page eines anderen Anbieters. Die dort eingestellten Informationen sind ohne Mitwirkung der Deutsche Bank Gruppe erstellt worden und unterliegen der ausschlie&szlig;lichen Verantwortung des anderen Anbieters. Die Deutsche Bank Gruppe &uuml;bernimmt keinerlei Haftung f&uuml;r die Richtigkeit, Vollst&auml;ndigkeit und Aktualit&auml;t dieser Informationen. Wenn Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise akzeptieren, best&auml;tigen Sie dies mit Einverstanden.</span>
                                                <span class="annotationActions"><a href="https://www.deutsche-bank.de/registrierung-verimi" target="_blank">Einverstanden</a></span>

Hello Karsten,

I experienced the same problem with the f**** VERIMI button.
My workaround was to set the Kee behaviour in Keepass for “Auto-submit” to “Never”.
So it fills my login automatically but does not send. I click the correct login button manually then.

Hope this helps :wink:
Best regards

There’s not typically anything that can be done to adjust the behaviour of which submit button is found and clicked by Kee - it gets it right most of the time but in cases where it doesn’t, there is no way to override the normal behaviour so disabling the submit feature entirely as smint suggests is the way to go.

That’s something I’m considering improving in future and if we spot new patterns in several websites we could apply improvements even without the need for the extra customisation steps so it’s always useful to see examples like this where the current behaviour doesn’t work correctly.

I have the same issue on Amazon, Janus, and a few other sites I can’t think of right now.

Thank you for the answers.
Setting Auto-submit to “never” seems a good solution, but it does not work for me, as long as I do not disable it globally in the Kee settings within Firefox.
In my understanding it should be sufficient to disable Auto-submit in the Kee settings tab within KeePass for the single entry (Deutsche Bank -> Kee -> General -> Auto-submit = “never”), but it keeps auto-submitting the form.
Disabling it globally works fine, but shouldn´t work it for a single entry as well?

You’ll probably be interested in Change the way per-entry submission options behave?

Unfortunately the initial topic issue regarding the submit button on https://meine.deutsche-bank.de/trxm/db/ is not resolved yet but I think the linked feature should help work around it until a fix can be found.