I am a big fan of auto-fill & auto-submit using the webautotype plugin (https://sourceforge.net/projects/webautotype/).
However, it seems that no wildcard or regex expression works for matching OR blocking URLs with webautotype & kee.
When connecting to some websites where I have multiple accounts & credentials, I would need to use a “block” URL pattern to exclude a login link which includes the username I don’t wish to use.
This type of block does not work in my case. Ex:
I have link which looks like this:
When I want to login with Y, I want to prevent kee from autofilling & autosubmitting the login entry of X for that same website, so that the Y entry gets autofilled & submitted. I tried inserting such patterns to block:
- *username=X*
- //.*username=X.*//
- *username=X&var3=blop3
- *X*
With no success. I can either
- match by hostname, but then I have both entries matching and can’t auto-fill & autosubmit.
- match exact, but then some parameter in the query string will change every time, and I can’t make any wildcard or regex work with kee.
Is the wildcard & regex matching officially verified and working with the webautotype plugin? What would cause the wildcards to not work?
I have looked around but can’t find an answer.
Many thanks for your help and amazing work with kee.