i start keepass with a debug log using WinFlag+R and choose the following from already run list, update the date time stamp, and run:
cmd.exe /k pushd E:\TEMP\LOGS\ && "C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\KeePass.exe" --debug --KPRPCDebug=E:\TEMP\LOGS\kp-rpc-debug-20181111-1730.log
Note the ` backtick symbols below, some of them unmatched. Are the backticks and the content between the matched backticks normal?
Fleck says: Error while reading. Exception: Fleck2.WebSocketException: Exception of type 'Fleck2.WebSocketException' was thrown.
at Fleck2.HandlerFactory.BuildHandler(WebSocketHttpRequest request, Action`1 onMessage, Action onClose, Action`1 onBinary)
at Fleck2.WebSocketConnection.CreateHandler(IEnumerable`1 data)
at Fleck2.WebSocketConnection.<>c__DisplayClassb.<Read>b__a(Int32 r)
at Fleck2.SocketResult.Success[TResult](Action`1 callback)
at Fleck2.SocketWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass7.<Receive>b__6(SocketResult result)
at Fleck2.SocketFactory.<>c__DisplayClass16.<DoAsyncTask>b__15(Object )
Fleck says: Client connected from
Fleck says: 235 bytes read
kp-rpc-debug-20181111-1719.log (17.8 KB)
KeePass 2.40
KeePassRPC 1.8.0
latest KeePass Firefox Plugin