Just had a fresh look at the issues reported here so thought it’s worth me recording the outcome of the investigation. All testing has been done with Kee 3.6 (not yet released) so if you find my results don’t match your experience, please wait until that’s released (on the beta channel first) before responding with more information about how to reproduce the issues you see.
Proprietary Javascript login system - not compatible with password managers.
Extreme-sized form - at least 25x larger than normal for a username/password sign-in form so Kee has to ignore it for performance reasons.
Works for me.
Works for me.
No longer available.
Works for me. I note that the initial saved entry contains a value for a “select” form field. This appears to behave in a way that we have seen occasionally in the past - reloading the page indefinietely. If you see that behaviour, just delete the form field from the stored entry.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.