I am using Kee along with KeePass 2.37 under Windows 10/64 Bit in a windows-domain together with firefox 57.0/64 Bit.
The tool works in about 70% of all cases well. There are a couple of banking-sites (e.g. https://kunde.comdirect.de, https://finanzportal-secure.vermoegenszentrum.de) where Kee does not offer me, to store the username/password after entering my user-credentials.
In this cases, I added manually an entry in Keepass. The login works now in principle, but username and password are not filled in automatically, when I open the web-page again. After I call theappropriate web-page I can use the Kee-icon from the toolbar and chose ‘use appropriate logindata’. If I choose this option, it offers the correct inputdata.
Why is this not done automatically as it is done with all the pages, where ist offered me to store the username/passwords.
The username/password for the above banking-sites is unique, i.e. I defined exactly one set of login-data.
I also tried to define the form-fieldnames in Keepass for that sites and it still does not fill in the cr4edential-data automatically.
How can I trigger Kee to fill in the data automatically?
I just logged of that forum, restarted the browser and called the page for this forum again. In the case of the url of this forum (https://forum.kee.pm) kee also does not offer me to store username/password.
Another example, where saving is not offered:
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
And another example - https://postoffice.creditcardservicing.com/POL_Consumer/Login.do
I have been asked to enter more cases, where Kee does not work as expected:
besides the already mentioned urls from comdirect, vermögenszentrum and the kee-forum
I use 2 pages of ing-diba :
This one works fine:
this one does not fill in the user data automatically:
but when I click the kee-icon in the username-field, it offers me the correctly the unique username für that page
I could give more urls, but as a new user, my posts are only allowed to contan 2 links
hope that helps
I don’t know about it saving the credentials, since I always make them in KeePass when registering with a site, not the other way around, but I have also had issues with some sites not automatically filling them in. I guess I’ll have to start paying more attention to which ones so I can list them here, but the one I just came to post about is https://www.americanexpress.com/ which works fine when I manually trigger it from the icon, but I’d prefer it to just fill in automatically.
I’ve been keeping a list of sites that don’t autofill, and while none of these are banking sites, I figure they should still be helpful:
https://forum.snahp.it/ucp.php?mode=login (https://forum.snahp.it/index.php does tho)
Just checked the sites from the above list again, and all but shopathome still don’t work, so I guess providing the list wasn’t helpful. I did find one other just now (https://runbox.com/app/login) and there have been others that I forgot to note when I ran across them, but since providing them apparently isn’t helpful, I guess I’ll stop keeping track.
Just had a fresh look at the issues reported here so thought it’s worth me recording the outcome of the investigation. All testing has been done with Kee 3.6 (not yet released) so if you find my results don’t match your experience, please wait until that’s released (on the beta channel first) before responding with more information about how to reproduce the issues you see.
Proprietary Javascript login system - not compatible with password managers.
Extreme-sized form - at least 25x larger than normal for a username/password sign-in form so Kee has to ignore it for performance reasons.
Works for me.
Works for me.
No longer available.
Works for me. I note that the initial saved entry contains a value for a “select” form field. This appears to behave in a way that we have seen occasionally in the past - reloading the page indefinietely. If you see that behaviour, just delete the form field from the stored entry.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Works for me.