No nonnexion between KeePaas/KeePassRPC and Kee in Firefox

keyPassGood morning,
This function has been running for a while without problems, but suddently it does not work.
my configuration : Lenovo computer, windows 10 up to date, KeePass 2.4.1, KeePassRPC 1.8.0,
Firefox 65 with Kee 2.5.6
Keyass is added to Windows Defender firewall, and Windows defender has been desactivated.

The Kee icon remains ether red or orange.
The full software has been removed , the computer cleaned wirh Ccleaner, the files in user/Appdata suppressed. Then the software has been reinstalled : same behaviour.
Running netstat -a -b, I found it seems that KeyPass uses a C connexion on 12546 to Lenovo, port 59403,but also a connexion on 59367 to Lenovo, port 59368
and later there is a TCP connexion fom firefox on port to Lenovo, port 59367
followed by a connexion from Firefox on port 5903 to lenovo port 12456.

Any idea of what happens.
Thans fo your support

Pierre Rolland

Hello, I am still on that problem :
I tried the following today :

  • on the same computer: complete removal/reinstallation of the full software
    with Avast antivirus instead of XWindows defender : icon either red or orange,
    with Avast desactivated (no antivirus, no firewall) : icon either red or orange,
    on a second computer : Windows 7, windows firewall desactivated : icon red or orange.

a left click on the icon :

  • when red : help center, options, and the message: you are not connected to the password data base, restart KeePass to activate Kee
    (KeePass is active !)
  • when orange : generate a new password, help center, options, and the message:
    you are not connected to the password data base, restart KeePass to activate Kee

Any idea of what happens ?

Pierre Rolland

Make sure you’ve gone through the relevant sections in Troubleshooting and then take a look at the debug section to see what the logs tell you.

Thanks for your answer . Tis is what I see in the Firefox navigator console , when I start KeePass
the Icon on Firefox changes from red to orange:

KeePass’ active DB has been changed/selected. common.js:206:17
Signal executing now. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:197:17
Sending a JSON-RPC request common.js:197:17
starting webcrypto encryption common.js:197:17
Refresh of Kee’s view of the KeePass database initiated. common.js:197:17
Signal handled or queued. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:206:17
A pending signal was found and handled. common.js:206:17
Signal handled. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:206:17
received message from web socket common.js:197:17
starting webcrypto decryption common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 1’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘key hash’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 2’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘generate HMAC’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘import key’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘aes-cbc’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘utf-8 conversion’ took: 1 common.js:197:17
Evaluating a JSON-RPC object we just recieved common.js:197:17
received message from web socket common.js:197:17
starting webcrypto decryption common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 1’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘key hash’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 2’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘generate HMAC’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘import key’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘aes-cbc’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘utf-8 conversion’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
Signal received by KPRPCListener (4) @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:197:17
KeePass’ currently active DB has just been opened. common.js:206:17
Signal executing now. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:197:17
Sending a JSON-RPC request common.js:197:17
starting webcrypto encryption common.js:197:17
Refresh of Kee’s view of the KeePass database initiated. common.js:197:17
Signal handled or queued. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:206:17
A pending signal was found and handled. common.js:206:17
Signal handled. @Fri Mar 08 2019 17:56:36 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) common.js:206:17
An error occurred in KeePassRPC object id: 25 with this message: undefined and this error: [object Object] and this error message: Could not find requested group. Have you deleted your Kee home group? Set a new one and try again. common.js:224:17
received message from web socket common.js:197:17
starting webcrypto decryption common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 1’ took: 2 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘key hash’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘data prep 2’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘generate HMAC’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘import key’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘aes-cbc’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
decryption stage ‘utf-8 conversion’ took: 0 common.js:197:17
An error occurred in KeePassRPC object id: 26 with this message: undefined and this error: [object Object] and this error mes

hoping that will help.
on Keepass side, the cmd KeePass.exe --debug etc is not recognized , may be I did something wrong
pierre Rolland

That’s most likely the problem.

Right click on a group that actually exists in your database, set it as the Kee home group and save the DB.

Thanks a lot, it works again.
I remember having changed the organisation of my KeePass data base.
I have not found anything about the usage of that “set as a Kee home group” in the doc.
Pierre Rolland