Bonjour a tous,
Je viens vers vous cae j’ai un souci depuis aujourd’hui avec un message d’erreur quand j’ouvre mon keepass. Pourriez vous m’aider !!!

le voici :
There are configuration errors in this entry. To fix the entry
and prevent this warning message appearing, please edit the
value of the ‘KPRPC JSON’ advanced string. Please ask for help
on if you’re not sure how to fix this. The
URL of the entry is:
Forgotten Password | Can’t Log In | Facebook
acebook_login&from_login_screen=0 and the full
configuration data is: {“version”:1,"hTTPRealm

No one can help me ?

What exactly is the problem you are trying to solve?

What versions of all relevant software are you using?

I see part of an error message indicating corrupt data in one of your entries but too much is missing to know what to suggest to remove that error.

Have you tried old history items for that entry to see if older versions of the entry work fine?

Thank you for responding, so if I understand the error message would be in contact with an entry that I made? If I delete the relationship with the entry, could that delete the message?
When I delete the Kee extension of Firefox, this deletes the error message.
Would this be in contact with the extension?

There is a KRPC config stored in each Keepass entry.

There must be an error in the config associated to your Facebook entry.

I would advise to delete the KRPC JSON plugin data of your Facebook entry:
Open entry, properties tab, plugin data: delete KRPC JSON.

C’est bon ! merci pour votre réponse ! C’est génial ! trop content