Kee will not fill in username/password on pages without a form?

TD Auto Finance has a logon page that has no <form> element. It apparently is a pure javascript implemented logon. The username and password fields have standard names on <input> elements (type text and type password, so that part is normal) with normal id attributes too.

Apparently Kee has no way to fill in input fields that don’t exist inside a form. So it doesn’t try, I guess?


There is no problem with KeePass and the WebAutoType plugin to fill such login
based on the URL.

WebAutoType just types out wherever the keyboard has focus, it doesn’t detect fields like how Kee does.

It detects the match according to the stored URL and then types into the available fields
with the Auto-Type feature of KeePass. it works perfect for such pages.
You start the page from KeePass or however and hit the Auto-Type hotkey and the login is filled.
Whats the problem for you with this simple method ?

Uh, I’m reporting a bug with Kee. Well, not really a bug so much as it not working with probably unexpected website design (a page without even a single a form tag, using a fully javascript implemented logon), so the author can make Kee compatible with those types of pages in future versions as this most assuredly won’t be the last website to use this method.

There are, indeed, numerous workarounds, including yours, which is great, but that’s not the point. Kee still doesn’t operate correctly with this page and WebAutoType doesn’t work the same way as Kee.

Kee does work for login pages without a form but in this specific case there is also a search field on the page so we can’t be very confident that the username and password fields are part of a login form (rather than some other general form, advanced search feature, etc.) - the same problem would occur if a website included both search and login functionality in the same form, though I’ve never seen an example of this in the real world.

I’ve noticed a number of TD branded websites that suffer from poor sign-in form implementations so perhaps they share similar systems or people, though they’re not the only ones that fail to follow good practice in this area. Thankfully this is a declining practice overall - you’re right that it won’t be the last but the trend is towards better structured web pages, not least because it helps companies to adhere to the accessibility laws in certain countries.

Their use of Javascript further complicates things so I don’t think you’ll be able to get this site working perfectly but with a specific configuration of Kee, it is possible to get auto-fill to work.

Essentially you need to:

  1. Ensure that your entry for this site has a form field ID configured to username for the user name field.
  2. Add a per-site configuration setting for with the Text field ID and name Black List options set to something that overrides the default blacklist (which includes things like search). For example, just enter fakefield into each of those two configuration fields.
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PERFECT! That worked!

I’m really glad to hear that the trend is decreasing.