Kee Vault now available for free download on iOS and Android

Get it now on the App Store: ‎Kee Vault on the App Store

Kee Vault 2 launches today on iOS, bringing FaceId/TouchId sign-in to your Vault, AutoFill into other apps/websites and all the modern design enhancements that Android users have been enjoying since last year.

Android users will be getting an update with various improvements too and if you haven’t tried the Android version, you can get it for free from

We’re really excited to hear what you think of this latest version of Kee Vault - please provide as much feedback as you can so that we can plan future improvements, build up our documentation and fix any bugs that crop up.

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Is the Android app an alternative to Keepass2Android? If so, how does it compare?

They’re both Android password managers that use KDBX files as the underlying encrypted storage mechanism so they can be considered alternatives in those respects at least.

I think the Kee Vault user interface is a bit more modern and easier to use but I can’t recall when I last saw Keepass2Android so don’t want to disparage any recent improvements they may have made in that area.

The main difference would be that with Keepass2Android you have to manage the synchronisation of the underlying KDBX file if you want to access your passwords on other devices. Kee Vault does that for you, albeit with a small cost since we’re having to pay for the infrastructure to make that synchronisation possible.

It’s much easier for people new to password managers to get started with Kee Vault, especially if setting up access to passwords from multiple devices.

However, if you need regular access to the underlying KDBX file from devices that Kee Vault doesn’t work on, rely on features from KeePass on desktop or are just generally happier with the Keepass2Android user interface, you’re probably already set up quite nicely and might not need to swap from Keepass2Android.

I know someone that pays for and manages their own cloud file storage area and has a fairly technical setup involving KeePass and KeePass2Android with automatic KDBX file synchronisation. They’re in no rush to switch to Kee Vault themselves but generally recommend it to their friends and family that are trying out a password manager for the first time.

Even if you’re a very technically capable person and happy with KeePass2Android (or whatever the equivalent app is on iOS) you can try out the Kee Vault app for free, perhaps just to satisfy a geeky curiosity :slight_smile:

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