Kee and Microsoft Edge

On the Kee website it states that although there is an extension for Microsoft Edge that it cant be updated by Kee and that it doesn’t recommend using it

I note on the Microsoft Edge addons page that the latest version is 4.06 released 4th July 2024. Is this the latest version of Kee extension ? and if so is the notice on the Kee website still applicable ?

I did use the Kee extension many years ago on Firefox but I find current Firefox unfortunately to be laggy and prefer the chromium based browsers of which I have found Edge to be quite good.

If the advice about not using Edge still applies does the extension work on Brave ( I prefer not to use Google Chrome) ?

Thanks in advance.

The Kee - Password Manager
Version 4.0.6
Runs fine here under the actual MS Edge
with KeePass and KeePassRPC.

Windows 11 Home Version 24H2 (OS Build 26100.2454)
KeePass 2.57.1
KeePassRPC 2.0.2
MS Edge Version 131.0.2903.70 (Official build) (64-bit)

I only test Kee extensively on Chrome and Firefox but it is rare for there to be any substantial difference between these browsers and any of their derivatives such as Edge or Brave. Many others do use the extension with Edge (and probably other browsers) as horst has kindly confirmed.

Microsoft have now fixed the bug that prevented the release of updates for many years so at this time the version they offer is the latest. However, given their lack of communication or interest in resolving the bug I retain zero confidence in them as a distributor of browser extensions and will not be rushing to remove the cautionary note on the Kee website. Hopefully there will be no further problems with future versions and I’ll probably remove that warning after enough time has passed.

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