First user questions

Hi there.

First of all, thanks for all the work on the Kee / FeeKox plugin.

I’ve been using it for ages and realised, as I swap computer, it’s about time I donated. It’s a small thing, but is there a way to donate and flag that donation as associated with the plugin rather than the ongoing Vault (in which I have no interest).

During this process I had a few extra questions and observations I will note here:
While registering for this forum, I also noted it doesn’t save my generated password on register - I could only save that password when I then logged in. This seems to be an issue to me - one where a password might be lost if a user is trying to use the Save login functionality (or as it would need to be, Save login or register).

Oh, and on that login screen, I thought I’d quickly redo the tutorial in case something is new, and that screwed up with this forum’s registration. A fairly unique situation, I would assume, but close to ironic.

And, while doing that tutorial, I noted the Create button in the dialogue looks, to me, like I’m creating a folder rather than the entry - its position and the fact it’s not near the close button were misleading to me. As a UI hint it’s proably worth adding agency / clarity to that button (I haven’t used this functionality much/at all in my previous install, if I remember correctly).

Oh, and finally, can I ask how I ensure my Kee specific bits of data are moved - the main one is fine-tuning of URLs that I’ve added over the years - I’m not sure which entries I added these too or if they’ve come along with my main KeePass database file. Are they stored there or on a sidecar file?

Thanks for all the work (on this and Kee - although I’m not using it, it is something I’d recommend to less IT-literate family members).



Thanks for the feedback.

It’s a small thing, but is there a way to donate and flag that donation as associated with the plugin rather than the ongoing Vault (in which I have no interest).

There’s no direct way to flag Kee Vault subscriptions as being purely a donation for Kee without any intention to use the Kee Vault features. Feel free to post a private message to that effect from within the “Kee Vault account” page in the Kee Vault app or just take this forum post as an indirect marker of your support (thanks!).

It’s also likely that I’ll do some analysis of the basic Kee Vault usage metrics sometime next year so if I can see that there are x active accounts that show negligible disk storage usage and only very rare sign-ins to Kee Vault that’s a good indication of the overall number of “donation subscriptions” - it won’t allow direct attribution but that’s in line with my desire to minimise the information I collect about each subscriber anyway so possibly a blessing in disguise :slight_smile:

While registering for this forum, I also noted it doesn’t save my generated password on register - I could only save that password when I then logged in. This seems to be an issue to me - one where a password might be lost if a user is trying to use the Save login functionality (or as it would need to be, Save login or register).

That’s probably not specific to this forum. Typically I’ve always recommended keeping the newly generated password in the clipboard and then signing in straight after registering so that the new login can be saved at that point. That’s a little harder now than all those years ago since it’s now rare for a registration to send you straight to the sign-in form. You’re right that a better workflow might allow for a feature such as “Save login/registration form” although I’m not too sure how that would work - there’s enough variation between sign-in forms without also trying to identify registration forms. Definitely something I’ll bear in mind for a future improvement though.

Oh, and on that login screen, I thought I’d quickly redo the tutorial in case something is new, and that screwed up with this forum’s registration. A fairly unique situation, I would assume, but close to ironic.

Yeah for most people it’s unusual to have more than one login for a single domain name ( in this case) but it can happen, especially for people that a managing accounts on behalf of other people (clients perhaps). Therefore it shouldn’t really be causing too much of a problem. What exactly happened to screw up the registration on this forum?

And, while doing that tutorial, I noted the Create button in the dialogue looks, to me, like I’m creating a folder rather than the entry - its position and the fact it’s not near the close button were misleading to me. As a UI hint it’s probably worth adding agency / clarity to that button (I haven’t used this functionality much/at all in my previous install, if I remember correctly).

I completely agree. I’ve wanted to change that interface for years and user testing this year has only reinforced how poor that experience is in the context of modern web browsers. I’ve made a little progress this year on a redesign but I’m still not sure when I’ll have something ready for a beta release.

Oh, and finally, can I ask how I ensure my Kee specific bits of data are moved - the main one is fine-tuning of URLs that I’ve added over the years - I’m not sure which entries I added these too or if they’ve come along with my main KeePass database file. Are they stored there or on a sidecar file?

Either encrypted in your main KeePass file (or Kee Vault) or in your web browser’s local settings (Kee Vault syncs the local settings across multiple browsers too). I suspect that most of the URL fine tuning you refer to was done within KeePass rather than the web browser so you should be OK but I recommend reading Customise appearance and behaviour with settings / options / preferences to get a better understanding of where different types of settings are stored.

Lovely, thank you for the reply. I have just managed to contribue and saw while doing it that PayPal has a note field - so that’s the important bit out of the way :slight_smile:

I appreciate your attitude to minimised information collection

Therefore it shouldn’t really be causing too much of a problem. What exactly happened to screw up the registration on this forum?

You know what, I really should have written that down. I can’t recall now and my usually reasonable notes are silent on the matter… I’ll try to remember to have a look though and see if I can replicate it when I get a moment or two.

I’ve made a little progress this year on a redesign but I’m still not sure when I’ll have something ready for a beta release.

Give this is on GitHub, I’ll see if I can contribue here. If there’s branch with any work starting to redesign the UI ping me, else I’ll branch of Develop (again, time being fairly important consideration I’m perhpas glossing over, but hey, I can assume I’ll have some time and see how it goes)

Either encrypted in your main KeePass file

And thank you for that. I did then find some entries I’d used on my old PC after I wrote this - I just clearly mis-remembered which entries had such KeeFox-specific entries and couldn’t find any to ensure they’d transferred (I presumed / hoped they just sat there as as an ingnored field in the KeePass file, but hadn’t seen any such entries on the Kee specific tab while editing any entries, and for some work domain names (which had a bunch of apps on subdomains) it seemed to be a bit of a free-for-all :wink: )

Anyway, thanks for the reply once more and good work!

Thanks. I just got an email including your note :slight_smile:

In answer (I think) to your question in the note, the only way to make a one-off payment is via the Paypal link on How can I donate? , otherwise (as mentioned on that page) a monthly or annual Kee Vault subscription would require the full sign-up to Kee Vault (supplying an email address, master password and then a credit card before the free trial expires).

The redesign is initially focussed on the popup, with the idea that once I’ve got that overhauled I’ll be able to delete the “save” dialog with that old clunky UI and replace it with something inside the popup (and that won’t always have to be invoked in response to a form submission event, potentially helping with that workflow of registering for a new account). So far I’m pretty happy with the appearance of the popup but I’ve paused work on it until I can be sure that it’s a feasible architecture for a WebExtension (and with an eye on all the Chrome extension features Google will disable in the coming months).

I’m using the branch on my own machines BUT avoiding the search feature since this seems liable to crash the system intermittently (at least on Linux which doesn’t handle memory exhaustion as well as Windows). Until I can work out why a simple text search causes rapid memory growth, I can’t commit fully to the ideas I’ve been exploring in that branch so please either take that advice on board or, if you’re a Vue.js/WebExtensions wizard and can follow along the code in its unfinished state, point out which stupid mistake I’ve made! :smiley: I’m reasonably certain it relates to an infinite message loop between the popup and background processes in order to share the Vuex state but beyond that I’m not really sure of the specific cause; thankfully it happens in Firefox and Chrome so it’s reasonably likely to be something I’ve done wrong rather than a browser bug.

Assuming I can get that problem fixed, I may make an intermediate release that just loads up the existing “save” dialog from the new popup UI (as per the current state of that branch) but I wouldn’t expect it to take all that long to build a replacement for the dialog in comparison to all this preparatory work so perhaps I’ll bundle it all into the same release to avoid having both old and new interface styles at the same time.

I’d be happy for some help in the coming months but I think you’ll see from the branch that it’s a non-trivial piece of work so if you are only likely to have enough time to shift some buttons around, it might be better for you to save that effort until I have something more complete to then focus on testing and refinements of the new UI.