faster password generation

Is there a way to make generating passwords faster?

I’m laid off, looking for work, and creating multiple new accounts per day on various career sites. I have macros for just about everything, but for creating passwords, I have to click 4 different times to get a new password.

I searched the forum and saw mention of control-shift-4, but that doesn’t do anything for me (Firefox, win10, latest KeePass and Kee extension).

Is there a different keystroke I could use? Or if there’s a way to do this from the command line, I can write an Autohotkey macro to generate passwords faster. Ideally, I’d right click in the password field and select “generate password” and a new password from my last-used password profile would be placed in my clipboard.

How do other people make it easier to generate new passwords?


Try Alt-Shift-G, that’s been the default on Windows for many years now. You can use your browser’s keyboard shortcut management feature to set or change that if it doesn’t work well for you.

You can navigate the dialog with the keyboard (e.g. Tab, Enter and arrow keys) - that’s more there to aid accessibility than offer the fastest way to generate a new password but it might work for you, or perhaps something like AutoHotKey could automate it for you if you want.

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Awesome, thank you!

Now I can use that to automate this in Autohotkey so I can get a new password in my cliipboard with one key chord.

Any while I’m here, thanks for all your hard work on Kee and helping us all be more secure online!