I notice that Chrome Dev Tools is displaying this message on every page:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: chrome-extension://mmhlniccooihdimnnjhamobppdhaolme/lib/tp/browser-polyfill.min.js.map
I checked my Chrome extensions page and that long extension identifier is the one for Kee. Can you please help me decipher what that means and how I resolve it?
thank you
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I have the same issue
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://mmhlniccooihdimnnjhamobppdhaolme/lib/tp/browser-polyfill.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
As seems to always be the case with Sourcemaps, there are many browser bugs that ultimately are out of our control. Thus we can’t immediately make any changes to help I’m afraid.
Since this is the only warning message you’ve mentioned, I’m assuming you’re using the stable release of Kee rather than the Beta.
Unfortunately we were forced to introduce this warning message to non-beta versions of Kee by Mozilla due to their code review policies that prohibit us from modifying their file for production use. Unless they confirm to us that they have improved those policies there is nothing we can do about this so you’ll just have to filter it out (for example, by selecting only the context you are interested in debugging).
In theory you could avoid the issue by using the beta version of Kee but:
974543 - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail causes even included source maps to throw the warning message.
- We don’t bundle the source map for browser-polyfill anyway so that one message would still remain.
I have been wondering recently whether dumping that load of useless data into the stable version of the extension to meet Mozilla’s policy requirements might be a better bad solution than the current bad solution. For the everyday user, the status quo improves the performance of their browser but Firefox have made some significant improvements to how they handle large extensions in recent years so perhaps the performance and network transfer penalties are no longer significant enough to worry about.
I suspect I can take your vote for the idea as “yes, bundle all the extra sourcemap data to make the message go away” so I’ll take that into consideration. Anyone else have an opinion on the matter?