Lately (probably past month or two), this window has been randomly popping up, as well as whenever I launch KeePass (typically I’ll go weeks without rebooting and therefore with KeePass and other programs running, including the browser, though that gets restarted more frequently due to other issues, and the popup will randomly come up here and there anyways). I’ve checked the troubleshooting guides, and the strange thing is even though it’s showing this window telling me to authorise, I’m not getting anything in the browser (Waterfox) to do so. IOW, Kee/Keepass is giving me a code as if it’s not authorised, but the browser/extension are not asking for it. Furthermore, Kee still works normally, indicating that it is in fact authorised, which is also shown by checking the authorisations, which are not expired.
Is there another user signed in to your machine at the same time? Or some other browser running? Or Thunderbird perhaps.
No. I have another user account for network shares, but it’s not logged in, and I have multiple browsers that I use, but this happens even when just Waterfox is running.
I had a very similar issue - turned out that I was running Chrome in the background and it was triggering the request.
That was it. It was Brave, but running in the background, hence why I didn’t think of it. Not sure if it’s possible, but if the authorisation window could say what browser it’s trying to authorise, that would be really helpful.
I’ve been having a similar issue. But the pop happens only when windows either goes to sleep or automatically logs out to the lock screen.
I’m running:
- windows 10 ltsc with single user login
- browsers installed are firefox and internet explorer
- kee is only installed on firefox using the default settings
- kee vault security setting is set to “medium”
- kee vault’s renewal count down timer is set to the default (~2000hr)
Browser Tab F12 contents point to kee extension:
- In browser content page script, received message from background script common.js:174:25
In browser content page script, received message from background script 2 common.js:174:25
Below is from firefox hamburger menu, “Web Developer” --> “Browser Console”
22:22:12.384 is undefined 3 app.js:764
22:22:12.437 port already set to: page 2 common.js:188:25
22:22:12.473 page port connected 2 common.js:174:25
22:22:12.475 is undefined 2 app.js:764
22:22:16.041 received message from web socket common.js:174:25
22:22:16.042 starting webcrypto decryption common.js:174:25
22:22:16.043 decryption stage ‘data prep 1’ took: 1 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.045 decryption stage ‘key hash’ took: 2 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.046 decryption stage ‘data prep 2’ took: 0 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.047 decryption stage ‘generate HMAC’ took: 1 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.047 decryption stage ‘import key’ took: 1 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.048 decryption stage ‘aes-cbc’ took: 0 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.048 decryption stage ‘utf-8 conversion’ took: 1 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.055 Evaluating a JSON-RPC object we just received common.js:174:25
22:22:16.071 Signal received by KPRPCListener (11) @Fri Mar 06 2020 22:22:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) common.js:174:25
22:22:16.073 KeePass’ active DB has been changed/selected. common.js:181:25
22:22:16.073 Signal executing now. @Fri Mar 06 2020 22:22:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) common.js:174:25
22:22:16.074 Sending a JSON-RPC request common.js:174:25
22:22:16.075 starting webcrypto encryption common.js:174:25
22:22:16.076 Refresh of Kee’s view of the KeePass database initiated. common.js:174:25
22:22:16.076 Signal handled or queued. @Fri Mar 06 2020 22:22:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) common.js:174:25
22:22:16.076 A pending signal was found and handled. common.js:174:25
22:22:16.077 Signal handled. @Fri Mar 06 2020 22:22:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) common.js:174:25
22:22:16.514 received message from web socket common.js:174:25
22:22:16.517 starting webcrypto decryption common.js:174:25
22:22:16.525 decryption stage ‘data prep 1’ took: 9 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.525 decryption stage ‘key hash’ took: 0 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.525 decryption stage ‘data prep 2’ took: 0 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.529 decryption stage ‘generate HMAC’ took: 3 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.529 decryption stage ‘import key’ took: 1 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.530 decryption stage ‘aes-cbc’ took: 0 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.531 decryption stage ‘utf-8 conversion’ took: 2 common.js:174:25
22:22:16.550 [websocket] An error occurred when processing the result callback for JSON-RPC object id 44: TypeError: db is null common.js:188:25
22:22:16.609 port already set to: page common.js:188:25
22:22:16.625 page port connected common.js:174:25
22:22:16.626 is undefined app.js:764
22:22:17.372 port already set to: page common.js:188:25
22:22:17.374 page port connected common.js:174:25
Continous requests to reauthorize to the same keepass.kdbx from different browser windows. Worked for a while but now has altogether failed. I had been using multiple simultaneous firefox profiles for years. Now I am back to manually copying and pasting usernames and passwords from keepass.
This might be part of the problem you’re experiencing but there’s not enough context to investigate further just yet. Please can you try the latest beta, see if the problem persists and if so, get an updated log output from that version?
The problem was that the “Database Name” for two databases was exactly the same and open at the same time.
KeePass --> File menu --> “Database Settings” --> “Database name:” The file names are different, but the names of the databases were identical.
KeePass has two databases open at the same time. I have been moving passwords from one to the other to share with a new coworker. Usually by exporting a section and syncing. The sync would overwrite the name of the shared database with the name from the source database, so two databases with the same name.
Yes, it would be very helpful to know which key goes to which browser. I use many browsers and many Firefox browser profiles simultaneously.