How to disable substitution of expired entries?


I have a lot expired entries in Keepass DB (date expiration). For some reasons I want to keep these.
But Kee always suggest expired entries in browser. How to disable this?

Thank you in advance.

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You could always hide certain entries from Kee in KeePass by manually editing each entry.

Also this is probably not a use-case for most people. Even if a password expires you would usually still want to fill it one last time to change it and then overwrite it (so it becomes un-expired).

Hi, ion!
Thanks for answer!
But let me tell a little bit.
I don’t need to change the password for expired entries. Thus I mark outdated entities.
There are a lot expired entries and I cann’t change each one for Kee.
In any case, thank you again for the answer.

I don’t need to change the password for expired entries. Thus I mark outdated entities.
There are a lot expired entries and I cann’t change each one for Kee.

I assumed as much and was trying to explain why this feature is not implemented (it would not be useful for the majority of users).

Have you considered moving your expired entries to a different group? You can configure Kee to use entries of a single group only (

But the longer I think about it you could request a feature to alow editing the Kee-Tab of multiple entries in KeePass at the same time. With this you could easily hide multiple entries at a time.

EDIT: Also I guess you could use the XML Replace feature of KeePass to automatically set all expired entries to be hidden from KeePass

Dear @ion,

can you please suggest:

  • what would be the content of the field for the XML Replace, and/or
  • how can one see a full XML code for a single entry, please?

DISCLAIMER: This is not in any way tested. And it might destroy your database!

You should definitely consult the documentation: []

Generally you can export single entries to XML with Entry>Data Exchange>Export Entry.
An XPath might look something like this:
//Group/Entry/Times[Expires=‘True’ and
number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) < 2019
or (
number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) = 2019
number(substring(ExpiryTime, 6,7)) < 10
or (number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) = 2019
number(substring(ExpiryTime, 6,7)) = 10
number(substring(ExpiryTime, 9,10)) < 14
]/parent::node()/String[Key= ‘KPRPC JSON’]/Value

//Group/Entry/Times[Expires='True' and ( number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) < 2019 or ( number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) = 2019 and number(substring(ExpiryTime, 6,7)) < 10 ) or (number(substring(ExpiryTime, 1,4)) = 2019 and number(substring(ExpiryTime, 6,7)) = 10 and number(substring(ExpiryTime, 9,10)) < 14 ) ) ]/parent::node()/String[Key= 'KPRPC JSON']/Value

Then you would need to set hide:false to true in the JSON object