Option to hide username in Popup

I login-fields I see the Kee icon.
When I click it, a popup is shown where I see all entries matching the URL.
In this popup I see the username of the entry followed by the title of the entry.

It would be very useful to have an option to hide the usernames in the popup window.

I have a project where I have 8 logins (servers where I test something).
4 Logins with the username A and 4 Logins with the username B.
The 4 logins per user are for “Personal Production”, “Personal Test Servers”, “Corporate Production”, “Corporate Test Servers”.

In KeePass I have in the title of the entries all required information stored, like:
Project - Personal Production (User A)
Project - Personal Production (User B)
Project - Personal Test Servers (User A)
Project - Personal Test Servers (User B)

The usernames in the popup are inflating the window and all entries are wrapped into two lines.
Without the username they would only have one line.

So please add an option where I can turn off displaying the usernames (so I just see the title of the entries).
I really would appreciate that!